Who We ARe
Hollow Rock is an interdenominational Christian camp
rooted in the Wesleyan Holiness tradition.
All are welcome —we have programs for all ages.
Hollow Rock is people, all kinds and conditions of people. The young, the old, the weak, the strong, the deeply spiritual, the shallow surface kind, the sinner, the saint. Some would want it to be all-saint: but oh, how we long to see the hungry, thirsty the sin-shackled soul, the burdened heart, coming to seek and find Him, "The mighty to save," at Hollow Rock. While Hollow Rock is certainly no resort where the world come to seek pleasure. Neither is it an exclusive club, where the spiritually elite may sit about comparing themselves with themselves. May it be an open door for all who will, to come and find whatever the heart may need. Let them come, all of them. God give us people at Hollow Rock.
~Paul Brooks, Hollow Rock President, 1959-1977
A Special Place
Hollow Rock's roots are in the early 19th-century Wesleyan Holiness tradition, camp meeting movement. Believers have met on these grounds since 1818, when Ohio was the American frontier.
Nestled in the Appalachian foothills between Hammondsville and Stratton, Ohio, the usually quite grounds come to life like a thriving small town for ten days. Instead of cell phone reception or internet connection, seekers will find a place for peace of mind, fellowship and closeness to God.
The 22-acre campground is quite impressive to the first-time visitor. In addition to a wooden frame tabernacle built in 1900, the camp includes a youth tabernacle, children’s tabernacle, six dormitories, over 100 cottages, cafeteria, gift shop, nurse’s station, museum, playground, laundry facility, caretaker’s house, prayer house, and camping area. Hundreds of church-goers from more than a dozen states and various denominations gather each year at the end of July.
Preaching services are held daily during the campmeeting at 10:30 am & 7:30 pm. Bible study is every afternoon at 2:30.
Dynamic programs for children and youth are held throughout the campmeeting.
“I tell you, it’s a place where lives are shaped for the future.”