At Hollow Rock we are intentional about building the character of our children for the future. Our children engage in exciting worship and experience creative Bible stories reinforced with fun activities.
Children's programing begins the first Friday of camp and ends on the second Saturday afternoon.
Preschool, 10:30am • Grades K-3, 1:30pm • Grades 4-6, 2:30pm
Children's Directors
The dynamic duo of Wendy Hanks and Stephanie Schellin direct the children's ministry with Michelle Lutz assisting. This team bring years of experience working with and loving kids. They have the knack of making Bible study fun while at the same time helping kids worship Jesus with all their hearts. This team puts in countless hours running three age specific programs daily during camp. The culmination on Saturday afternoon is a special children's service for all to see what our kids have learned and accomplished.